Newsflash: Exhaustion reigns supreme at The Howard Ranch after spontaneous Rave erupts

After a cataclysmic dump of information regarding Ron Howard the kind not seen since the heyday of Wiki-leaks; exhausted friends, family and able bodied employees pulled an all-nighter reviewing all the information dumped onto net. Cots and mattresses were pulled out and information was carefully studied amidst singing and dancing to as many songs as Ed produced attributed to Ron. It was a crazy frenzied evening, the kind not seen since the last time Ed pulled something nutty out of his hat… or maybe the Russian Roulette Orgy. Quiet music is currently being played and those resting were checked on by staff and family to make sure they were in good health and well hydrated.

Hits of ecstasy had made their way in last night and the frenzied dancing accelerated after that like something out of the Palladium  with an ongoing orgyfest running concurrently.

Ron and Cheryl aka Madonna at the Palladium

Dancers were advised to remain well hydrated and instructed not to slide down the bannisters on their feet or handstand on them like they were on the Verrazano Bridge in the film “Saturday Night Fever”. Ron could not resist the fun and turned some handstands himself pissing himself in the process from staying a little too well hydrated.

Currently Frank Sinatra music, Ron’s father, wafts through the Ranch.

Ron, ever-grateful to Ed, was even more so when Ed released the treasure trove of Ron Howard and then declared that he and Ron were good friends and buried the hatchet for most past indiscretions. Ed was quoted as saying, “Ahhh WTF…I’ve been getting some really good sustained boners and banged the hell out of my old lady for over a half hour not including a couple episodes of oral and some really good spankings! We have to be good friends! We’re practically brothers!” Ed reportedly even attempted to slide into third base head first but was called out.

Things are really happy in Mudville!!!

This also came on the heals of a rousing victory against the G-Man at O in a culmination of a meeting of minds last october… The mindfulness of “O” versus the mindlessness of Ed… a meeting of the mindful vs. the mindless! Guess who won. The emperor penguin got to keep his hot mistress who went home after our confrontation, popped some pills and masterbated thinking of me (the mistress, not the Penquin, though he may have and this was confirmed). She had been psychically saying I’d do a better job with you than any of those gals here. I don’t recall seeing her name on the menu but they would have sent up clarified butter if I ordered her.

It was a most ripping victory!

Things are really happy in Mudville!!!

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