OK…this is a very big find and I just had it confirmed. You have to stretch your mind for this one and realize that if Pope Benedict can be Robert Blake of all people and Pope John Paul can be Tom Landry then anything is possible. If I hadn’t been working on Stan Laurel for the last few months I would never have figured this out. Realize Stan Laurel was also Humphrey Bogart, Art Carney and Fred Astaire. I also sat next to him at a local theater and watched “Bullet Train” which he liked and said it was “very dark”. It was a pleasure meeting him. I’ve worked on this a while and am convinced this is him. Supposedly Stan was born in 1890 which I’m not sure about. It would make him over 130 years old. It’s possible. I’ve met people who were 115 and are now 120. Stan was in amazing shape as he was Fred Astaire. When I saw him except for a small limp which looked arthritic he looked great. So here it is: Stan Laurel aka Pope Francis…Boruch Hashem!