I hadn’t realized that I was in real time for the signing of my photo and the area around the photo continued to be signed through the day. Long legged beauty Bryce Howard sat on the floor to sign while her daughter whose name goes to this blog stood on a chair and signed in a bold signature, hers the largest of all signatures, to the right of the photo toward the top. I even signed it, directly underneath with my full name and “Ed” in quotes. An honored extended family signed in the top right corner maintaining distance as a show of respect and deference to the man in the photo.
By the end of the day the area for signatures was mostly full with some spaces left purposefully empty for signatures of people unavailable. Two pillars were brought in with large vases and flowers to adorn the photo and the exhibit.
Rare tours of “Ron’s Hidden Museum” were done by Mr. Ron Howard himself who took pleasure in showing off and explaining the various items and exhibits. One of the highlights of the tour was the Hamilton/Burr exhibit which has been described in best detail in this blog as featured in a “Got Milk” commercial. The ad ran continuously while people came, enjoyed the exhibit, and drank tall glasses of milk!! (ok, so it was actually glasses of wine but milk would have worked here as well!).
Only one glass of wine spilled that day and the “no personal contact” rule while in the museum was honored by all except for a few young ladies who couldn’t resist adding this place to their list. With them it was mostly show and tell as one of them nestled comfortably on some antique end table while the others expressed joy in the use of their chorda tympani nerves. This started when two or three young ladies slipped away but the crowd grew when they invited others over to see a great exhibition. It was eventually broken up when a more senior woman came over to see what was going on and joined in. A few minutes her husband was sent over and suggested this should break up. Ron was aware of this and wrote them all out of the next remake of Princess Diaries including the woman but hey…that’s show business!. (As far as I know Ron is not remaking Princess Diaries and I’m just joking with these kids and one lady!)
The girls are members of gay mostly all girls cougar club which they formed honoring older women and seeking them out wherever they may find them. A couple of gents joined who were gay and wanted to worship at the alter of older women.
Speeches were made and Ron had a gift that was accepted for me.
Ron admired one of my favorite “crystals/ minerals.” It’s a sphere of iron pyrite with multiple jagged internal caverns of reflective surface. He saw I would often hold the sphere, gaze on it and into it and meditate with it. I offered it to him on several occasions but it still sits in my possession so in some part it represents a piece of me and defines me.
The gift to me was bought by Bryce Howard, what a great beauty. The gift is a very large sphere of bright and shiny iron pyrite which is glorious. It is reminiscent of the one I have. I had seen it once or twice at the Howard home but did not know what it was for. The sphere was elaborately etched by Bryce who is an accomplished artist in her own right. The sphere depicts family and travails and tells a story of my involvement with the Howards including a picture of myself with Bryce, sort of like putting “Lord of the Rings” on a sphere. It is a masterwork of a beloved woman, her daughter and our family.
Thank you to all, and for this I am truly grateful.
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