Sadly I don’t see much of the BB Queen, and I can’t always tell who she is but I’ve learned that in most films/shows if I’ve picked out a favorite actress from a group of greats it’s inevitably her. This was sort of the case during an early encounter when she was serving me some noodles in cheese sauce at my synagogue. I think her dad would send her away in between projects to do normal stuff but I mean really…I took one look at her over the stainless steel warming tray of the noodles and said…Ok…who are you and what are you doing here? To which she smiled and laughed. I figured Sylvia Hoek for BB and judging by my knowledge of neurosurgery I believe I’m correct.
Yes she served me noodle and I gobbled them down so I could go get more. By the fourth time I had stopped eating them and just pretended I needed more. She was wonderful!!
I also told her she was so out of place. She said she needed money for college which did not compute at all.
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