The Howards Part 26: Hair!


Ron and Cheryl Howard wrote the musical “Hair”. Though I didn’t see the show my brother had the album and we listened to it till it was smooth. (For the youngins, it was round and made of vinyl with grooves in it, oh wait they’re popular again. BTW…There is an argument around digitally remastered…here’s an article about it).

The film was pure pleasure with Treat Williams in the starring role. (Probably, going to turn out to be Ron when I vet him.(To vet was originally a horse-racing term, referring to the requirement that a horse be checked for health and soundness by a veterinarian before being allowed to race. Thus, it has taken the general meaning “to check”.)

Let’s go see if Ron is Treat Williams…the horses are at the gate…place your bets!!! And they’re….off!!!!

We have a winner!!!  Billy Mumy is Treat Williams

Treat Williams is not Ron but his brother Billy Mumy aka Elton John…also very talented…I know…no shit!

Treat Williams aka Billy Mumy.

If Ron turns out to be John Savage in the film which he looks more suited to we have a conundrum as John Savage was in Dear Hunter with Robert Deniro who I have as Ron as well.

Now let’s find Cheryl…she has to be in the film. They were probably the stars of the musical.

Oh Wow…Beverly D’Angelo’s in the film…Ok just left the rabbit hole and into the twilight zone…I can’t keep up, but here goes…

Beverly D’Angelo aka Cheryl Howard…  just like a head of lettuce… fresh…crisp and delicious

Beverly D’Angelo aka Cheryl Howard. World Class Hottie, did “Hair” with Treat Williams aka Billy Mumy, Ron Howard’s brother.

Here Beverly D’Angelo aka Cheryl Howard looks like another of my favorite actresses… Sally Kellerman…from MASH. num num num…
Sally Kellerman aka Cheryl Howard

Kellerman did Meatballs with Bill Murray aka Ron Howard…Did Moving Violations with James Keach aka Ron Howard

MOVING VIOLATIONS, James Keach, Sally Kellerman, 1985. TM and Copyright © 20th Century Fox Film Corp. All rights reserved,

Who else could these two be? No one!!! James Keach aka Ron Howard and Sally Kellerman aka Cheryl Howard.

Back to Hair…how do we know Ron wrote this??? No one else in Hollywood is smart enough to use the type of language Ron does in songs and musicals and get them published the way he does. The array of songs that follow are pure genius, and the language is exceptional and yes to all the sci fi and science stuff in it which would be Ron. Brilliant climax to film…oh wait…cheryl loves sci fi too….hmmm… complex language = Ron. Great story telling = Cheryl. A mix of all.

Bette Midler looking gal from Hair probably Cheryl Howard
Let the Sun Shine In from Hair with likely Cheryl Howard… it’s always funny how when I’m watching a movie and I notice something then years later I can piece together what it was. I think it’s Cheryl, she was hard to miss when you watch the film since she was the only one up on someone’s shoulders for the song…the writer and star of Hair.

Good bet for Ron Howard during Let the sun shine in from Hair, Writer and possibly director as well as star. I just believe Ron directed the film…can’t explain why.

I’m told Ron Howard did direct the film.

The listed director is Milos Forman seen below with a neck vagina.

Milos Forman pictured here sporting a loverly neck vagina


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